After 3 years of omnibus corner to corner US restaurant evaluation, fresh numbers are in! We can now display factual information on who has a great success rate by type and style as well as by company name.
The independent and regional chains data set is dominated by full service restaurants (FSR) with 71.5% offering table service. Coverage for this data set began on July 1, 2014. Full year statistics are available on the number of restaurants which remain open and the number closed.
The restaurant chains data set is dominated by counter service restaurants (CSR) with 82.3% of locations offering counter service (CSR). There are now more Fast Casual locations (44,808) in this data set than full service restaurants (35,757). QSR locations represent the biggest slice of the pie with 61.3% of the total.
Some specific current MSA *chain examples include granting the # 1 slot to Boston, MA for having less than a 1% closing rates for chain restaurants in their region. Las Vegas performed the worse with a 3.76% closing rate in the period. In the middle is New Orleans with a 2.05% closing rate.
Some specific independent and regional chain example, #1 New Orleans at 2.79%. At the bottom: Cincinnati-10.23% and in the middle: Los Angeles at 4.62%
* To be considered a chain, a company must have 20 units or more, any less an independent and/or regional multi-unit.